monster cover Monster Study Guide Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.
by Ana Verhar

ISBN 978-3-033-02357-4

This study guide enables students to gain in-depth understanding of Walter Dean Myers' work Monster. The wide range of activities and exercises are designed to raise awareness of ethics and legal systems, to further students' writing, speaking, critical and analytical thinking skills, as well as their imagination and creativity. Each study guide section provides vocabulary exercises, text comprehension, discussion questions, guided interpretation of passages, writing tasks featuring different text types with instructions for composition. Pre-reading tasks encourage students to anticipate developments, discuss legal and ethical issues, expand their vocabulary. Graphic organizers help to structure information visually, identify bias, distinguish fact from opinion, analyze elements of literature and style. Role-play activities challenge students to take a stand, to convince, to solve problems. Teachers have many opportunities for varied assessment. Intended for grades 9-11, native speakers or learners of English.

harmless cover Harmless Study Guide Support independent publishing: Buy this book on Lulu.
by Ana Verhar

ISBN 978-3-033-02213-3

This study guide enables students to gain in-depth understanding of Dana Reinhardt’s novel Harmless. The wide range of activities and exercises are designed to further students’ writing, speaking, critical and analytical thinking skills, as well as their imagination and creativity. Pre-reading tasks encourage students to anticipate developments, discuss expectations, express opinions. Each section provides summary tasks, progressively challenging vocabulary exercises, text comprehension, discussion questions, and novel-based writing tasks. Graphic organizers teach students to structure information visually, develop understanding of elements of literature and their effects, allow to identify and analyze relationships and conflicts and thus raise awareness of interpersonal dynamics and ethics. Strategies of text composition offer instruction for writing different text types. The many activities provide teachers with opportunities for varied assessment. Intended for grades 7-10.